Our thematic subjects cover the regulatory challenges and frameworks of the new and future technologies, the use of technology in the sector of legal services, the development of the e-justice systems and any challenge, opportunity or threat emerges as a result of the interaction between law, technology and innovation.

In order to achieve our goals, we group activities in four formats:


We launch meet-ups and thematic events to raise awareness on issues concerning law, technology & innovation.


We design thematic seminars, workshops and conferences that on the one hand train and prepare professionals from various industries and on the other hand promote and explore creative solutions tailored to existing or future applications of law & technology.


We organize interdisciplinary teams of experts with the goal to explore and conduct dedicated research to the current and future challenges law and technology sectors are facing.


We offer our expertise to all types of organizations that seek to advance their strategy and skills required in order to navigate the challenging landscape of technology and law.